En SEABOB är högpresterande rakt igenom. Dess hydrodynamiska form ger en häpnadsväckande grad av smidighet i vattnet. Styrning och dykning kan inte bli enklare – allt som krävs är förarens justering genom sin kroppsvikt.
Oavsett om du smyger fram, forcerar genom vattnet eller dyker så kommer SEABOB glida fram kraftfullt med dig ombord. Känn dess imponerande manövrerbarhet. Och den nyfunna längtan efter havet kommer aldrig att släppa sitt grepp om dig igen.

Optimal hantering med kraftfull dragkraft
Ett särskilt utmärkande kännetecken för SEABOB F5 är den låga vikten. E-Jet Power Systemet i SEABOB F5 styrs i 4 effektnivåer. Dessa steg garanterar absolut nöje och njutning. Dess speciella dynamik i vatten är ett resultat av den höga prestandan i kombination med den låga energiförbrukningen i relation till den låga vikten.
De enastående egenskaperna i hantering hos SEABOB F5 gör den lämplig för användning i alla typer av vatten. Den hör hemma i havet. Den visar en enastående prestanda på vattenytan och vid dykning. På grund av dess höga grad av manövrerbarhet kan SEABOB F5 användas i både små och stora poolområden.

Oemotståndlig och intensiv
SEABOB F5 S är den ultimata högpresterande farkosten. Vikten är endast 35 kg, vilket gör att den är lätt att hantera på land. Köregenskaperna är oöverträffade. SEABOB F5 S har en imponerande drivkraft på 680 newton. E-Jet Power Systemet styrs i 6 effektnivåer. Dessa nivåer hos SEABOB F5 S gör att du kan glida i lugnt tempo på en låg växel eller, för mer långtgående körning med hög hastighet, växla upp till 6: e växeln. Enheten har en mycket sportig karaktär och sticker ut i fråga om extraordinär dynamik. Dess sportiga utseende förstärks av element i en matt kromdesign. SEABOB F5 S är hemma i vattnet. Dess höga grad av manövrerbarhet gör den också idealiskt lämpad för användning i större poolområden.
Prestanda upp till | 2.5 kW / 3.4 hk |
Maximal kraft upp till | 480 N |
Fart i ytläge upp till | 15 km/h / 9.3 mph |
Fart under vattnet upp till | 13 km/h / 8.1 mph |
Fartkontroll | 4 energinivåer mellan 0 % till 100 % via knappar |
Energikälla | Högenergi Litium-Manganese ackumulatorer |
Totalkapacitet ca. | 1.1 kWh; 48 V; 23 Ah |
Körtid, medel | 60 min |
Laddningstid (standardladdning) ca. | 8 h |
Laddningstid (snabbladdning) ca. | 1.5 h |
Dykdjup | 40 m / 131 ft |
Dimensioner (L x B x H) | 1,152 x 507 x 372 mm |
Vikt ca. | 29 kg / 63.93 lbs |
Flytkraft i vattnet ca. | 14 kg / 30.86 lbs |
Prestanda upp till | 4.0 kW / 5.36 hk |
Maximal kraft upp till | 680 N |
Fart i ytläge upp till | 20 km/h / 12.43 mph |
Fart under vattnet upp till | 18 km/h / 11.18 mph |
Fartkontroll | 6 energinivåer mellan 0 % till 100 % via knappar |
Energikälla | Högenergi Lithium-Manganese ackumulatorer |
Totalkapacitet ca. | 1.8 kWh; 48 V; 38 Ah |
Operating time average | 60 min |
Laddningstid (standardladdning) ca. | 8 h |
Laddningstid (snabbladdning) ca. | 1.5 h |
Dykdjup | 40 m / 131 ft |
Dimensioner (L x B x H) | 1.152 x 507 x 372 mm |
Vikt ca. | 35 kg / 77.16 lbs |
Flytkraft i vattnet ca. | 10 kg / 22.05 lbs |
Specialutrustning | Säkerhetsanordning för fastsättning av bältessystem |
Tillval | Delar i matt kromdesign |
E-Jet Power System - Emission-free drive technology
The worldwide patented E-Jet Power System works according to the principle of water displacement. The water is sucked in by the powerfully rotating impeller and forced out in the jet channel under high pressure. The thrust developed in this way propels the SEABOB forward in superior fashion.
Maximum thrust requiring little energy makes the E-Jet Power System a unique drive mechanism for powerful watercraft. Thanks to its electro-technology, the system is absolutely environmentally friendly and offers extremely low operating costs.
Are you ready? Turn up the power and away you go
If you are looking for the ultimate driving pleasure, simply head for the water. No boundaries, no limits. Experience vast open spaces and pure freedom with the SEABOB. Whatever gear you have selected.
Speed is regulated via the Controlgrip. The enormous thrust generated between the power levels lends the SEABOB a dynamism and fascination beyond compare.
Experience a unique agility under water
The dynamism of the SEABOB jet develops its special appeal under the water. The watercraft can be steered down into the depths simply by applying light pressure. Man and machine in unison, darting around nimbly.
Diving depths of up to 40 metres can be programmed to suit individual requirements via the on-board electronics. A safety cut-off feature reliably ensures that the selected diving depth is not exceeded.
Discover the fascinating underwater world in a new dimension.
Interaction with the element
Special moments of pleasure
Leisurely gliding. Sporty driving. Safe diving under water. All this is possible with a SEABOB. Now you can actually move through the water like a dolphin. Freely, both on the surface and at depth.
At the same time, the SEABOB is completely environmentally friendly when in its element. It zooms powerfully and almost silently through the water. Darting about with such ease and agility really makes a dream come true for mankind.
Active relaxation
The enjoyment of driving starts when you are cruising
A SEABOB offers all-round high-performance. Its hydrodynamic shape provides for an astounding degree of agility in the water. Steering and diving could not be easier – all it requires is for the pilot to shift his bodyweight.
Whether you are cruising, zipping through the water or diving. The SEABOB will glide along powerfully with you aboard. Feel the awe-inspiring manoeuvrability. The new-found desire for water will never relinquish its hold on you again.
Optimal handling - Low weight with powerful thrust
Easy handling was the uncompromising objective set when developing the new SEABOB. For this reason, the challenge in terms of development was clearly defined. Low overall weight. Extremely stable housing. Powerful drive. These properties make the SEABOB F5 a unique water sports craft. The vehicle can be used anywhere and offers optimal handling.
A development with responsibility for the environment
The specially developed, high-performance electric-drive mechanism with its environmentally friendly technology is an exemplary innovation.
The motor is a high-torque synchronised drive unit featuring a microprocessor-controlled 3-phase sinus power management system. The application of cutting-edge technology enables this motor to achieve the ideal amount of torque with outstanding efficiency. All this, and yet the overall design remains very compact.
The power for the drive mechanism is provided by highly efficient lithium-manganese accumulators. These high-performance special accumulators are a top-class quality component in the propulsion concept of the SEABOB.
Rediscover the element - Intense and irrepressible
A SEABOB offers all-round high-performance. Its hydrodynamic shape provides for an astounding degree of agility in the water. Steering and diving could not be easier – all it requires is for the pilot to shift his bodyweight.
Whether you are cruising, zipping through the water or diving. The SEABOB will glide along powerfully with you aboard. Feel the awe-inspiring manoeuvrability. And the new-found desire for water will never relinquish its hold on you again.
Clear view. Perfect control.
The central cockpit is located exactly in the driver’s field of vision. All important technical data from the engine electronics is shown accurately via the TFT colour display.
It provides the pilot with information on the current driving performance and the selected power level. The accumulator charge state and the remaining operating time indicated allow you to reliably keep track of the residual capacity.
Furthermore, the driver receives up-to-date information regarding his diving depth and water temperature. The programming functions of the menu can also be conveniently controlled via the TFT display.
High-performance toys - For intense pleasure driving in the water
For people looking for intense fun and enjoyment in their lives, we build water sleds with the greatest thrill factor in the world. The SEABOB F5 and the SEABOB F5 S.
The outstanding features of the SEABOB F5 are its unanticipated agility in the water and the extremely low vehicle weight of only approximately 29 kg. The low weight of the SEABOB F5 makes for optimal handling properties.
The SEABOB F5 S is also a lightweight device tipping the scales at approximately 35 kg. It distinguishes itself by means of its strong driving performance and its irrepressible propulsion in the water.
Neither vehicle requires a driving licence and their electrical drive make them completely ecologically sound. High performance toys for intense fun in the water and emission free for zero impact on the environment.
Unlimited riding pleasure - Relaxed or intensive
Leisurely gliding. Sporty driving in the water. Safe diving under water. All this is possible with a SEABOB. Now you can actually move through the water like a dolphin. Freely, both on the surface and at depth.
At the same time, the SEABOB is completely environmentally friendly when in its element. It zooms powerfully and almost silently through the water. Man and machine in perfect harmony.
The Controlgrips. Switch gears for power. Determine the direction.
A SEABOB is the absolute embodiment of state-of-the-art technology. The pilot steers his water sports craft via two intelligent Controlgrips with Piezo technology.
The drive mechanism is activated by squeezing the trigger. Applying light pressure to the green sensor accelerates the device in continuous powerful thrusts until the desired speed is reached. Propulsion is reduced by pressing the red sensor, thereby slowing down the SEABOB. If required, the craft can be brought to an immediate stop simply by releasing the trigger.
Two further Piezo buttons enable the pilot to program an individual data menu. This includes the electronically-controlled setting of diving depth, operation time and additional parameters.
Customer service & Technical support
The SEABOB is a first-class quality product, easy to handle and completely maintenance free. Should you have any technical questions, simply contact our technical advisers.






SEABOB Fästanordning


Bältessystem för SEABOB F5 S
(size S, M, L or XL)